About us

Let's get to know each other and create coziness together!

About us

Our mission is to create innovative solutions and innovations in the field of lighting!

We are professionals in the field of lighting solutions. We can offer a complete package of products and services related to lighting solutions. We manufacture, sell and install lighting systems for both indoor and outdoor spaces. Our services also include restoration and modernization of old lamps.


We offer professional lighting solutions. We always consider the individual needs of the client and provide the most suitable solution.


Mūsų siūlomi produktai yra aukštos kokybės bei atitinka griežtus standartus. Visuomet atsakingai žiūrime į bet kokią kliento duotą užduotį ir stengiamės ją atlikti iki galo, kad klientas liktų patenkintas

Esame profesionalai apšvietimo sprendimų sferoje. Galime pasiūlyti visą produktų bei paslaugų paketą susijusį su apšvietimo sprendimais. Gaminame, prekiaujame bei montuojame apšvietimo sistemas tiek vidaus, tiek ir lauko erdvėms. Mūsų paslaugos taip pat apima senų šviestuvų restauracija bei modernizacija.


We offer professional lighting solutions. We always consider the individual needs of the client and provide the most suitable solution.


The products we offer are of high quality and meet strict standards. We always take a responsible approach to any task given by the client and try to complete it to the end so that the client remains satisfied